My Mission

RiseTogoFly (RTGF) is a social enterprise dedicated to providing holistic sustainable innovative development and entrepreneurship approaches to build and tend to women and girls. Women are the foundational rock in all our lives. It is RiseTogoFly’s ultimate mission to work daily with women and girls globally, specifically in Togo and in Maryland so that they can enlighten/ignite their Divine Strength. RiseTogoFly brings innovative approaches, the latest education, technical, business and sustainable employment/entrepreneurship skills for women and girls globally.

RiseTogoFly’s goal is that no matter where you come from or where you live, every single girl and woman can live healthy, spiritually and physically radiant lives while building themselves, lifting their families and communities.


God, Divine Strength/Spirit Mindset reaching deep within to help women and girls

Who Am I? What makes me happy? What is my impact to the world/Ultimate Life Purpose?


Soul – RiseTogoFly Self Therapy, learning to scrutinize your ancestral history, embrace season for selfishness, self-discovery, self-development.


Health/Physical – nutrition, blood diet, exercise, RTGF Athleisure to support 

RiseTogoFly’s Goal

RiseTogoFly’s goal is that no matter where you come from or where you live, every single girl and woman are able to live healthy, spiritually and physically radiant lives while building themselves, lifting their families and their communities.