State of RTGF

 #SelfTherapy #Consciousness #Forgiveness #Humility  #LoveOverHatred #LiveLaughLove #FaithHopeLove#HEARTtoHEART

RTGF Africa Weekly News Update

Get the latest insights on key political, economic, and social developments across Africa. This weekly update curates impactful stories from various nations, keeping you informed about the dynamic changes shaping the continent. Stay connected to what matters in Africa today!


I would like to give Glory and thanks to the Almighty LORD for giving me such an extraordinary honor to introduce the new revamped site for RiseTogoFly, LLC. A special thank you to all my family, friends and team RTGF for their superior development work. You’re truly amazing and I Love You ALL!

#ThisistheTimeAmerica #SelectiveJusticeisInjustice  #TimeforSustainableJustice #ReparationsNow #WeAreOne  #LetsTeachTheFutureGenerationLoveOverHatred #Wisdom  #LetsChallengeOurselvestoHealOurHeartsandSouls

Let’s Choose to challenge ourselves to fully Heal our Hearts and not just live by this World. Living by the LORD we ultimately have more joy, able to have compassion, be forgiving, and act as servant leaders, focus on ourselves and stop blaming others. Let’s Choose Love over Hatred and bigotry. Let’s show up for our children, spouses, family, friends, neighbors, and strangers. Let’s Choose to stop and let go of the Egos as tomorrow is not promised.

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